The Saint's Devilish Deal is a contemporary, reunion romance. Esmerelda Quinn has been looking for a place to belong since her parents were killed in a car crash when she was young. The closest thing to home has always been Aunt Constance's villa in Puerto Vallarta, so after a string of dead-end hotellier jobs, she's coming home to run the villa.
Santiago Cruz has called the villa home for as long as he can remember. In between surfing events, Constance has always had a room for him. Color him surprised when Constance decides to retire - and leaves a joint interest in the villa to both Santiago and Esme.
Esme isn't thrilled to share ownership of the villa with the the youngest Cruz brother - especially when she learns Santiago's brother has been after the villa for years. But Santiago has grown up while she's been away at school and soon she finds herself falling for the rich boy down the hall.
Buy Links: Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The- Saints-Devilish-Deal-ebook/dp/ B0096D6WFE/ref=la_B0081LO6DM_ 1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1349205407&sr= 1-2
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
Author Bio:
Once upon a time, Kristina Knight spent her days running from car crash to fire to meetings with local police—no, she wasn't a troublemaker, she was a journalist. When the opportunity to focus a bit of energy on the stories in her head, she jumped at it. And she’s never looked back. Now she writes magazine articles by day and romance novels with spice by night. She lives on a beach in Northern Ohio with her husband and three-year-old daughter. Happily ever after. Please visit http://www. kristinaknightauthor.com" or follow her on Twitter @AuthorKristina to learn more.
Guest Post
Oh, Those Boys & Their Boards…
I've always been slightly more than obsessed by beaches. Not the muddy-sand beaches of my mid-western upbringing, but by those expanses of white-sand that go on for miles. By the big waves of Hawaii and Indonesia. It isn't that sand itself is sexy – have you ever had a tiny grain of sand stuck between your toes or…some other area? Yeah, so not sexy. There is just something different about those places and the people – okay, the guys! – who inhabit them. So, without further ado, here are four reasons I find beach-boy heros sexy.
Surfer boys - those wet suits don't hide anything - but also because surfers seen so apart from everyone and such a huge part of the water itself. When I was a kid visiting my great-grandmother on the Outer Banks of North Caroline I listened to them talk about protecting the beach, water and wildlife from pollution, encroachment and global warming before those things were buzzwords that everyone was supposed to care about.
They're passionate. You have to be passionate about a sport to take the chances these guys take. That also makes them a little bit dangerous – and it's that a little sexy all in itself? I've watched them slide through the waves as if they were a solid mass. I've seen them mystified that everyone else was leaving the beach when a storm raged into the area. They wore $5 flip-flops to $100 dinners and usually looked better doing it than the rich boys wearing Calvin Klein.
They're contemplative. They wait for hours for exactly the right wave. The watch the water carefully, as if it might hold the solution to world peace…or maybe they're just thinking about dinner and a movie with their favorite girl. The point is you don't know. And surfers are everywhere – they're doctors and lawyers and general lay-abouts. They're incredibly smart and intuitive and that makes me wonder, too…
They're a little bit crazy. A little bit difficult. A little bit dangerous. These are the boys whose eyes twinkle at the drop of a hat – and many of us have fallen for that charm in a heartbeat. If they're the lay-about sort we want to save them (or join them for a week or so), if they're the driven sort we want to help them save the world and if they're a little more quiet than the rest of the pack…well, that's a whole other level of sexiness, now isn't it?